Greenfield Nordic

Sustainable communities need sustainable energy

At Greenfield Nordic, we help turn your needs into sustainable energy projects and businesses. We focus on supporting towns, cities and large energy consumers (commercial or industrial) in the transition to low carbon or decentralised energy solutions such as district heating and cooling.

Our advisory services support from concept development and feasibility through to financing, commercialization, and, supporting the delivery journey. We bring together technical, commercial, and structuring/funding insight and expertise from a wide range of energy projects in the UK and draw from solutions from more mature Nordic markets.

We provide direct services across these disciplines combining an experienced team with independent partners, where required. We also offer external project management support to co-ordinate or support the delivery process. As an independent UK-based expert company, we guarantee advisory services free from conflicts of interest.

“Our goal is to provide seamless delivery support to unlock the potential of heat networks and other decentralised energy solutions across the UK to help drive the transition to a low carbon future.”
– Robert Clark, Chief Executive, Greenfield Nordic

Read more about our services